Monday, August 23, 2010

LL Bean??

So, ever since I've moved to New England I have felt somewhat compelled to own something from LL Bean. I can't believe I just admitted that, but don't write me off just yet. I have tried to like their wares every time we get one of their catalogs in the mail, and since we get one every five days it seems.....I have tried a lot! I even went with my husband to a new LL Bean store that just opened in Dedham. I went with him fully convinced I would leave the store with a pair of LL Bean Classic Duck boots, but I just couldn't pull the trigger when it came down to it. I guess I just felt so......dare I say.......ordinary.

Plus I might have to shoot myself in the face if I were out in my LL Bean Classic duck boots and happened to walk by a fellow fashionista sporting some Jimmy Choo Hunter Wellies. She would probably look at my ordinary boots and look at me like a fun project. That is when I would scream inside and shoot myself in the face, because.......if you have Jimmy Choo rainboots, you wear the Jimmy Choo rainboots, and oh yes, I have the Jimmy Choo Hunter wellies in Black.

However, I was somewhat enchanted with the commercial for the new store opening that was airing in the area. It showed several devoted customers lining up the day before the big opening with tents, sleeping bags, camp chairs, little stoves, etc.....all made by LL Bean. These people were adventurous, happy, and all hoping to get the coveted $1000 gift card that goes to one of the random first 25 customers. It looked like a fab time! I mean, you are camping in the parking lot at a nice new shopping center right next door to PF Changs. Civilization is right there, and it has lettuce wraps, and Dan Dan noodles. Anyway, I was enchanted and intrigued, but somewhat disappointed with the selection of ill-fitting pants and mock turtlenecks once we finally went to the store.

But then, this summer, something somewhat extraordinary happened. No, I didn't turn gay and fall in love with Classic LL Bean clothing, We got a different type of LL Bean catalog. It was the "LL Bean Signature" catalog, and the clothes were actually cute. I even dogeared some pages. That's major!!

There is a slight hint of fall in the air right now in New England. I'm still trying to hold on to summer without wishing it away, but all of my cute boots are calling out to me in the's just so hard. And well, I think I found a pair of new boots to add to my collection. LL Bean Signature line has come out with their "stylish" version of the Classic Bean Boot. It's so cute! It's almost twice the price of the ugly one, but that's okay, because it's actually really cool, and it's sitting in my online shopping cart as I type. I think I need them! I actually think I might need several things from the website.

In fact, I was genuinely sad when I discovered that the Vintage Rose Madras Camp Shirt is sold out in my size. I might need the corduroy shorts, and I can't believe that I love the navy turtleneck with ducks on it. Who am I? I thought I liked the Cuffed cropped pant, but then upon further inspection I discovered that the model looked like she had a faint camel toe and a fat ass, so that means disaster for normal people, so don't even think about it. I like the Heeled Penny Loafer, and dare I say.......the signature belt! Ahhhh! I would be a walking advertisement for them if I got that! I don't know if I was abducted by aliens last night or what, but it's true, I kind of want it!

Thus, it's official, I am borderline obsessed with the Bean Boot, and the Downeaster Sport Wool Plaid Bag. It's the cutest! And it will be so sassy on weekend trips to mountain lodges because we do so much of that with our two kids, well, maybe we will start. :) Should I click the check out button......

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