Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mommy's in Mexico

So here I am, sitting in the Hotlanta airport with my wonderful husband and no baby! I can't believe it! We are on our way to Cabo San Lucas, and my sweet little Pigpen is in PA eating cheerios with his Grandma and Aunt Emily. Sitting here feels so sheik and fabulous. I'm dressed in a my white Seven for all Mankind straightleg jeans, Giant Stuart Weitzman wedges, a very modern yet cool looking long coral top, my casual but always in style Calvin Klein bluejean jacket, and a long white scarf is tied once around the back of the neck and flowing down my back as I walk through the airport gingerly with my LV Never Full bag on one shoulder, and my new scrumptious leather clutch under the other arm. Venti no water Chai latte in one hand, and absolutely nothing in the other. No stroller, no diapers or snotty kleenexes in the carryon bag....only my gold Manolo Flip Flops, a cute summer dress, a bikini with cover up, some magazines, my eye mask, ipod, earplugs, and of course...snacks.

How liberating! Of course I can't stop thinking of that sweet little Pig. I already called Grandma for the morning report. His 3 year old cousin Ally woke him up way earlier than he's used to, 6:45am. They had already played with each other, and the Pig had already done a few loops with the vacuum, and they were all sitting around having some breakfast. He is having a ball so far. He slept like a rock and woke up all smiles. He loves the dog, and hasn't even developed big blotchy red spots on his face yet. He usually gets those from dogs. I can't believe I miss him so much. I totally made them send me a photo of him before we got on the plane. He was in his Paul Smith PJ's all smiles with a tray full of Cheerios and Murphy, the pug, at his side. It may rain tomorrow, but mommy will be getting pampered in the hotel spa, so bring it on. I can't wait to see what our room looks like at the Westin. I love that damn heavenly bed! Mommy and Daddy are on their first vacation without the Pig for 5 days!!!!!

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