Monday, April 6, 2009

Girl's Night Out

Okay, so the ever famous "GNO" is more important than ever!  This should be a monthly thing for sure.  Thanks to my friend Tasha I went out this weekend in Beantown, and had a damn blast! I love Tasha!  She is a "go getter".  I can use that queer since she does live in Minnesotta, and that is soooo something that people would say in the Golden Gopher state.  Anywho, she was coming to Boston to visit a friend, and she decided to call me and invite me to come out.  

I love it when people follow through with things.  There is so much fun to be had if you actually make it happen.

It was raining cats and dogs, and I was supposed to meet my husband at the airport to retrieve the GPS that he was supposed to leave in my car before he left town.  I was to "swing by" the airport, and then head downtown.  The outfit choice was quite difficult due to the rain.  I didn't know what it would be like downtown, and I didn't want to look like one of those hopeless idiots wearing heels through puddles.  Girls would say, "oh poor thing, she must not get out much......what did she think she was going to prom or something."  I know how you bitches are.  :)

Skinny jeans, my purple Hunter wellies, a cute short Anthro sweater, topped off with a Burberry rain coat, and a Burberry hat......that was "the outfit".  I was so worried that the bars would allow smoking, but I chanced it.  I didn't want my new fabulous raincoat to smell like cancer, but you only live once right?

GPS retrieval was successful, although, I almost wet my pants due to the water and the Iced Caramel Latte from Dunkin.  I parked, I ran, I went, then I found my husband....I felt like I was nine months preggers again.  He was so sweet....he was standing there waiting for me with a Grande No Water Chai.  Holy crap, I was going to be crazy from all of the caffeine......I don't even drink coffee in the morning, and I don't drink soda.  I took about three fake sips for marriage sake, and then poured it out when he left.  Oops. 

Thank God I had the GPS!  I was not about to try and find my way via mapquest in one of America's oldest cities.  Those damn crazy Masons didn't know shit about a city grid, but enough about our forefathers.  I found my way to the first bar,  6Bob Lounge.  

I sat down and met Tasha's friend.  Super cute and fun!  Then the other girls came back to the table, and I met them as well.  Also, super cute and fun!  It was Dawn's 30th birthday, so that was the cause for the party. Here's a funny coincidence......soooo, I met Dawn, and she said that it was funny that I was named Regan since the only other Regan she ever met looked a lot like me and had short blonde hair.  Then, she got a weird look on her face and asked me if I was ever a cheerleader: I said yes.  Where you a cheerleader for UCA: yes.  Did you ever run cheerleading camps: yes.  Did you ever run cheerleading camps at Rutgers: yes.  She was immediately embarrassed and at a loss for words.  All she could say was, "you are Regan the Cheerleader?"  I responded with a, "yes, I am Regan the Cheerleader."

That camp was like ten years ago.  Funny!  So, here's another funny happening:  We were sitting at the trendy bar, with the trendy girls, and two trendy boys.  We were having trendy conversation when the trendy Indian boy named Ravi asked me what I did for a living.  I paused for a short second, and then said......."I'm a stay at home mom."  His eyes got big, and he leaned his left ear towards me thinking that there was no way he heard the right thing.  He said, "excuse me, what?"  I responded with a matter of fact, but halfway bullshitting, "I'm a stay at home mom......some people refer to us as SAHMs."  What a buzz kill!  We all had a good laugh!

The party moved to a small Irish pub where this SAHM had Guinness, Jameson, and a greasy pizza!  I just remembered that I have no idea how much my tab was.....oh well, totally worth it! My neck is still a little sore from all of the dancing, the Michael Jackson video impressions, and the worm.  Yes, I did the worm in the bar.  It wasn't my first rodeo, and it won't be my last.  

Pigpen stayed with Daddy through the night, and until 3pm the next day.  I came home smelling like whiskey and cigarettes........the boys didn't care one bit......they were happy to see their SAHM.  :)  


Lauren said...

This sounds like a fun night!

Amy Pertl-Clark said...

GNO is an absolute must! Be sure to engage in such craziness at least once a month. And always stand up and be proud when you answer "I'm a stay at home mom." You are AWESOME!