Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Fatchelor

Soooo, you may be wondering what "The Fatchelor" is, so I will give you a hint. If you watch TV, and if you are somewhat in to reality shows, just think of a plus size version of a pretty popular one. Yes, I am talking about the stupid new show on ABC called More to Love. Are you kidding me!!!

Okay, so I totally can't take credit for the name(The Fatchelor), but you have to admit that it is pretty funny, and pretty dead on. My loving and always clever husband said it nonchalantly as he passed the TV set one night during the commercial for it. And, by the way, if you think the name is's's what the damn show is......The Fat Bachelor. The whole point of even being remotely interested in that stupid mindless show (the real Bachelor) is because the guy's is supposed to "have it all": great personality, great sense of humor, great ass, and a killer job. This new guy might have that, but he also might have a "dickydo". I just feel bad for the whole's like the "B" team, the afterthought, the "oh let's give those people a chance" show. Have more respect for yourself!!!! Just say no to the "but she's got a great personality" show! I hate that they are doing this. It's not because the people are overweight, but it's how they are marketing it.

TV voice man says, "The average woman in America is size 14, and the average reality show TV contestant is a size 2......". Who cares! Don't they know the camera adds 10's totally true! I look like Orka on TV, and I'm a size 2-4, so those contestants look like a size 10, and what are the plus size ladies going to look like? Oy Vey! I watch Jillian, and I think she is absolutely adorable, but I know that in real life she probably looks emaciated and disgusting like someone in jungle prison.

And let's be honest, guys watch the original show to see hot ass chicks who are usually idiots bounce there jugs around the swimming pool, and girls watch the show to see some great hairless abs, and to find out if guys like that really aren't douchebags! It's great when it works out, but it hardly ever does, and it's just fun to watch. By the way, Jake, the Airline Pilot makes me vomit in my mouth a little every time I see him......bla!!

No one wants to see a fat sweaty dude in the fantasy suit with a large lady, I mean, maybe I should just say that I don't because I die for the hot people as it is. I get so embarrassed for them! I think the show is ridiculous! I think if skinny people want to go on TV and make asses of themselves in front of millions, go for it, but don't do it if you're overweight. It just opens up the door for the really mean and hateful people to make fun of you!! Is that what you want Fatchelor contestants? Have more respect for yourself, and find love the old fashion way.....on the Internet where you can post a picture of yourself 2- pounds ago!

What are your thoughts on this show? Do I sound like a total Bitch for thinking it is a waste of time and money? You can be honest.....I just was.

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