Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Heart Attack

So, I am back home in the cozy cabin, and my baby angel was driven down by his fabulous Grandparents! The reunion was better than expected. I expected a sweet smile, but I thought he would immediately be interested in something else on the ground after about 3 seconds in my arms. Delightfully surprised, I was impressed with his big smile and sweet hug. He was interested in me for almost a whole minute! He got longer, and he walks so much faster, and his little baby vocabulary of weird sounds has expanded into even more weird sounds.

My mother-in-law is here with her husband, and we have been having a really wonderful time just enjoying the backyard and the sweet little boy. He is now 13 months old, and quite the little explorer! About an hour ago I put him up in his crib for a nap since he was zoning out at lunch. I have a video monitor, so we were sitting at the table having a latte and enjoying some adult conversation as we checked the monitor every so often. He was ooching around, standing up, and doing the usual before he sacks out, so it was just a normal day of naptime woes. So we were talking about something very important I'm sure as I felt a compeling need to check on the Pig. I grabbed the monitor that was just about out of battery, turned it on, and gasped! I ran out of the room and up the stairs without a word as fast as I could. I was like Jackie Joner Cursy as I hurdled the baby gate and shot up the stairs skipping about six stairs at a time.

His grandmother grabbed the monitor to view the horror, but was unable to see anything since the battery was completely dead at that point. When I got to the top of the stairs the horrible seen was still as I had seen it! That little Assafartus was sitting on his changing table!!!!! His changing table sits right next to his crib, so he had figured out a way to crawl out of his crib and sit on his changing table that has no rails and no protection against the hardwood floor. I wanted to die!!!

I was shocked, but very impressed at the same time! I didn't know if I should give him a swat, or applaud his new skill. I told him he was a very bad boy, and that this was not allowed at all!!! I don't know if it made an impression. He wenced a little after the scolding, but then just smiled and laid there as I changed his diaper with a big dissapointed look on my face. The Grandparents were upstairs at this point and very happy to see that he had not strangled himself with the cookoo clock strings that hang on the wall fairly close to the crib. He was unscathed by the incident and continued his usual routine of trying to pull his little weiner off of his body as I changed his pants.

I have not been able to get in touch with his father for a report, but I imagine his father will be way more impressed than mad. I guess we will have to do some redecorated tonight when daddy gets home.

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