Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tag Tucker

So, are you a tag tucker? What kind of person are you? Here's the scenario.....you are in close proximity with a perfect stranger, and you notice that her tag is sticking out of the back of her shirt. Do you tuck it in for her while telling her it was out? Do you look at your friend and say, "oh that poor lady's tag is out". Do you even notice?

Well, I notice, and I am a tag tucker. I know that I would be very appreciative if someone helped me out in that situation. My mom and I even told a lady that she had a lady problem on her pants once at Neiman Marcus. How horrifying, but we could not go on with our day without making her aware. It is hard to do for sure. It's uncomfortable, but usually the people are thankful for the news no matter how embarrassing. I find that usually women have a certain bond that makes it okay to look out for other woman. Well, that's what I think anyway....I'm sure that there are bitches out there that relish in other people's mishaps, but I try and distance myself from those people.

So here's what made me think of this. I was at Lululemon the other day, and as I walked in, I noticed one of the workers. She had on the tight bootcut workout pants, and she had the world's worst panty line! It was absolutely terrible! It was the worst panty line I have ever seen. It made her ass look long and just plain gross! She was a skinny girl, but it looked like she had on cheerleading bloomers that were about 2 sized too small. It did not look good or comfy, and it almost made me second guess trying on the same pants. For those of you who aren't familiar with lululemon, I'm sorry. Every girl should know about these workout pants. They are like magic for your ass......for your thong clad ass I guess. They are a little bit like super girl pants because when I put them on I immediately looked way skinnier, and my ass looked like it did in college. The pants were $98, but of course I bought them! They are reversible, so it's like getting two pairs in one, and well......they just looked so good. I tried them on immediately when I got home to make sure that they didn't have trick mirrors in the dressing room, and was pleasantly surprised!

It was like trying on my first pair of Seven for All Mankind jeans. It was magical! So, back to my point. If my pregnant butt looked so young, then it just goes to show that that young girl had no business wearing full on granny panties under her tight workout pants! It should be against the law, and why didn't her manager, or coworkers tell her? I wanted desperately to tell her that she should really wear a thong with her pants, but I was sure it would be offensive coming from a pregnant stranger, or would it? Should I have told her in the most secretive and helpful way that I could conjure up, or should I just leave it to her so called friends?

I would want someone to tell me.....stranger or no stranger! Please tell me if I'm doing something that is making me look ridiculous! I hate that I didn't say anything, because now I think of her saggy looking granny panty booty every time I wear my new pants. All she had to do was take them off, but I guess she will never know.......I hate that for her.

What would you do?


Meagan said...

Ugh! I would not have told her, but I would tell her if she was my friend. I see stuff like that all the time and don't say anything...the white granny panties under thin black cotton pants during yoga..... the neon green thong under the white linen skirt in line at Banana... It's gross really. I am a tag Tucker, I am a food-in-the-teeth-pointer-outer, and I am an honest critic of friends' fashion choices....but this is only for my friends. I don't feel right saying something to a stranger. I just usually make the comment "Wow, poor girl; somebody lied to her."

Anonymous said...

I usually wear thongs with my lululemons when i workout in the basement.
By the way, why is it if you look you are a concerned woman. If I look I am a perverted adulterer?

Sarah (Barbee) Harlan said...

Regan, that is too funny. I too have that dilemma often. I tuck tags and point out food in teeth, but when it comes to bad choices in undergarments I just can't go there. I feel horrible leaving someone looking that bad, and pray I never leave the house with a problem someone should point out! By the way, love the blog!