Thursday, December 4, 2008

Death to Cable companies....not really, but I hate them!

Hey there Blog, I wake up this morning rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off because I have to get PigPen dressed and off to daycare.  "Did I get his oatmeal, his milk, he needs a hat a jacket, a pack and play sheet....a change of clothes in case he shits himself...which he will.....he didn't yesterday, but he will give them a big stinky love dump at day care."  (Could I use .......  any more?)

Anyway, so I'm trying to get him there before 10am so I can at least get my money's worth.  I actually had a food tasting to go to today.  It was for Wildtree foods by this sweet girl that I met at a pot luck one day.  So, I get home and start to get ready for the tasting and low and behold, the damn cable doesn't work.  I tell myself, "Self, just forget about it and turn on the radio.......get in the shower and wash that mop on your head."  Didn't work.  I broke down and called the idiots at the cable company.

I paid my bill over the phone the other day, so things should be hunky dorey, but no, they are telling me that I owe $405.  WHAT!!!  WHAT!!! I don't think so!  My husband doesn't even watch sports, so we don't even have all of that stupid NFL ticket crap.....we have basic cable.  So, I come to find out that when I paid the other day over the phone, the bank rejected it, so they send me to collections like I am some thief or liar, or better yet, the scum of the earth.  I talk to the lady, and end up putting the damn balance on my American Express, and I can just feel her thinking that I have no money, and that I am diving deeper and deeper into debt because I am having to pay for my cable on my credit card....I hated her.  

So, I didn't get to shower, or wash the mop, but I did my best with the three velcro rollers that I put in the back of my bed head, and ended up looking somewhat squeaky. However, I can't help but think that I don't have enough money in my checking account.  I secretly then hate my husband for making us put all of our money in saving so it can earn 1 cent.  So I need to transfer funds, but I have no internet, and I'm thinking, "shit, I'm going to have to buy food at this thing and write a damn check....a check that could be hot!"  

 The food tasting was pretty good:  better than a poke in the eye.  It was like Mary Kay, but with food. She didn't have change for my cash so I had to write her a check.....a scary freakin...I think it might bounce check.  OMG!

I wrote the check and then rushed home to pump and check my stupid account.  I call Marc to get the passwords, and prepare to move funds, and low and behold.....we have way enough money in our account for 8 cable bills!  Thus, I hate them!  

Some total moran at the cable company dropped the ball with my bill, and stressed me out thinking that we are bouncing checks and that my husband is going to kill me since that is one of my few responsibilities.  I hate them!


MLDinSLC said...

Holy Shit! This is better than any cable show out there. Thanks Regan. Can't wait to see what other mishaps you come across in your days to come. Bring on the poop stories!

Regan said...

Thanks man!

Ellen said...

So how do you have a baby, stay home and not get fat and sloppy. I want to be fabulous too. Please help.

Regan said...

I just eat and then throw it all up! Hello! Mary Kate it! Just kidding! That isn't something to joke about, but it is funny for five seconds at least.

I cart this little fat pig around. I try to Baby Bjorn it when possible, and I do go to the Turbo Kick class at Golds on Tuesdays. I once looked into the babysitting room and saw Sam rubbing his face into the disgusting carpet.....argh! But, mommies got to do what mommies gotta do.