Saturday, December 6, 2008

Single Mom Respect

Yes, let's talk about single mothers.  I have so much respect for you!  I'm married, but my husband travels quite a bit for work, so that leaves me and the boy at home to entertain ourselves.  I love the boy, don't get me wrong....I love him so much that the thought of anything bad happening to any little boy makes me want to vomit.  Didn't really have those feelings before. For example, there was a Jackass episode, back when they first started, that involved leaving a carseat on the top of a car and driving off.  

I think I might become Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider if I saw something like that.  I imagine myself suddenly having a long brown ponytail and skin tight shiny clothes, running like that trackstar in the new cellphone commercial, alongside the car as I leap into a front flip to retrieve the carseat from the top of the car unscathed.  Okay, I suck!

Anywho, the point to my rambling is, I used to think that was funny, now, it would make me vomit after I turned into Angelina of course.

So, I love the boy, we all know that, but I'm not gonna lie.  It gets hard talking to someone who babbles and grunts all day everyday for 5 days with no daddy coming home to take over.  I start to feel guilty at times.  "Am I leaving him for too long in his Exersaucer?  Should we be singing Baby Einstein songs, and reading every book on the shelf?"

Is he going to be not as smart as he could be if I don't pay every second of attention to him that I have throughout the day?  Is it child abuse to push him around TJ Maxx for an hour, and then run through HomeGoods when he starts to get fussy (just to make sure we didn't miss anything)? 

Is his brain going to run out of his ear if we watch the Rachel Zoe Marathon that I recorded, and then just ease right into 3 or 4 Food Network shows?  Is it bad to have the TV on all day when you live in a log cabin on a lake that is slowly freezing over?  These are my questions.  

I know I'm a good mom, but I also know that it is so much easier when you have a "live in" aka "baby daddy" to share the experience with every night.  I would hate to always be by myself.  I guess we would go to more lame!  Playgroups aren't all lame, but I mean really, do I want that to drive my existence?  

I don't want to talk about whether or not he should be swaddled at night still, and hear what kind of food other mothers started with, and how Wal-Mart is marking down their Bokugan set.....what the hell is a Bokugan anyway?  I want to talk about adult things.  Do single moms ever get to do that?

I should sign off since he is indeed in his excersaucer, and my pasta has been sitting in the microwave for about half an hour now.  I should eat!  I hear its good for the milk supply.

SO, Single mom......MUCH RESPECT! 


moma said...

Take it from me...the way to keep your husband home is to start projects that you can't possibly finish. For example, take a wrecking bar to a wall and say you wanted to open up the place, or start to pull up the wall to wall carpet and when you are half finished realize the whole thing is too heavy for you. OR, start peeling wallpaper. Any of these things, if done correctly, scare the men from leaving.

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