Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brand New Day

Hey there Blog readers!  So, I don't know about ya'll, but I was really moved by the inauguration yesterday.  I don't know if it was the fact that he is the first of something, or that I just think he is a good person, or if I was just shocked and pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of American Pride in a Nation that has been so divided.

I love the vibe of accountability that I felt while watching the ceremony.  It seems like that might be a theme with him, and I wish that could be a new theme for America.  Can you imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone held themselves accountable?  I know that I am ultimately the only one that is responsible for myself.  My parents aren't wholly responsible for my actions because they can only inspire and guide me, but when it comes down to it....I am responsible for me.  Meaning, I am responsible for my actions.  I am the only one that can make the most of my life.  I am the only one that can make me do the right thing. 

I always try and put myself in someone else's shoes and think of things from the opposite point of view.  I try to make my time on this earth meaningful.  If it is only meaningful to me, then that is all I can do.  Personally I think that I have the ability to affect others with my actions. It can be something really doesn't take much to make someone's day, and it also doesn't take much to ruin someone's day.  I always try and do the first.  

So, back to my first thought.  What if everyone was accountable?  Would there be no more litter, crime, or acts of unkindness?  Hell no:  there would still be people who have no idea, but I know that I don't want to be one of those people.  I know that I want to die knowing that I made a difference in people and I made them at least have a better day when I could. 

Thanks Obama for making me think of ways that I can be a better US Citizen.  I am going to start by raising a considerate, helpful, human being that will add to this planet and not take from this planet.  If you really think about it.  This is our planet to share....not only with Americans, but with everyone else on this planet.  Turn the water off when you brush your teeth, don't litter, don't add to un-recyclable waste, turn off the lights, use your own shopping bags.  Those are just small things that would make a difference if everyone held themselves accountable.  

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