Wednesday, December 3, 2008

He is about to Awaken....

So, my sister-in-law, Ellen told me start a blog while we were stuffing our faces at Thanksgiving dinner.  Soooo, here goes.....I just uploaded a picture of my sweet 6 month old bundle of gas, and now I am trying to write something clever, but that little bundle of gas just woke up in his carseat and he is pissed.  Let me attend to him, and I will continue the start to my fabulous new obsession.  See you soon blog readers!


MLDinSLC said...

Oh Regan, you poor poor girl. Are you that bored? Well, now I can see how you and Baby Sam are doing on a daily basis! And maybe even keep everyone posted as to how the plans are coming along. Can I do this in this venue? Or am I just supposed to comment on your stuff? I don't know how personal blogs works.

Regan said...

I don't know either. I am new to all of this too. you could use my blog for sure. If anything, you could let me know, and I could post it on the blog under the "Peterman TO-BE" title. :) Could be fun!